Research themes

My research focusses on understanding deep learning from an empirical and scientific perspective, aiming to derive actionable insights that can improve its practical application. Major themes include:

:mag:   model interpretability via representation analysis

Deep learning works by transforming inputs to latent representations. Can we understand and describe the information stored in these latent representations?

:heavy_dollar_sign:   data-centric machine learning

Behaviour of machine learning models, including large language models (LLMs) depend critically on the datasets used to train them. Can we identify critical datapoints / data subsets that influence key model properties?

:bar_chart:   model interpretability via feature attribution

Feature attributions are a popular means to interpret model behaviour in terms of the most important input features a model “pays attention to”. However, these methods have been found to be inaccurate, and sometimes conceptually ill-defined. How can we ensure that feature attributions accurately reflects model behavior in a meaningful, well-defined way?

:muscle:   alternate notions of model robustness

Training adversarially robust models is hard. Are there alternate definitions of robustness that are both practically meaningful, yet easier to train for?

:recycle:   computational efficiency of deep models

Given a pre-trained deep model, how can we effectively identify and eliminate redundant neurons or weights while maintaining the model’s performance?

Apart from these broad themes, here are some cool miscellaneous projects I have worked on: